Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie writes a weekly column called "Sex and the City" for a fictional newspaper called "The New York Star". The column is about her and her friends sexual relationships and in general about relationships between men and women, dating and New York. During the series Carrie writes freelance articles for "Vogue" because she is financially struggling. 

We do not know much about Carrie's life before the series. On the 35th Birthday she states that her relationship with the city is about "18 years". We also know that her father left her and her mother, when she was five. 

Carrie meets her BIG love, who she calls through out the series Mr. Big. At the end of the show we find out that his first name is John James Preston.
It is interesting because most of Carrie's boyfriends have nicknames: Mr. Big, Berger, the Russian,  The fuck-buddy, Jazz Guy,... 

Carrie seems to have it all. She has her friends, she has beautiful clothes and shoes. And you know that she will one day meet her Mr. Right. But she isn't as self-confidant as you might think. In her relationship with Big it becomes clear that she worries she isn't perfect enough for him and later when he marries Natasha it's obvious that she compares herself to Natasha. She feels like she wasn't "good enough"for Big. 

She considers herself a romantic, a girl looking for love, real love. 

to be continued.... 


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